Amanda Fingado, MPH
Sr. Epidemiologist/Biostat
Clinical Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy 415-439-9472
Publications (3)
Top publication keywords:
PharmacySchools, PharmacyCurriculumResearch ReportProblem-Based LearningPrescription DrugsEducation, PharmacyMedical InformaticsInformaticsUniversitiesDrug CostsPractice Patterns, Physicians'Pharmaceutical ServicesStudents, PharmacyCost Savings
A Progress Report on the State of Pharmacy Informatics Education in US Pharmacy Schools and Colleges.
American journal of pharmaceutical education 2018 Clauson KA, Breeden EA, Fingado AR, Kaing CL, Flynn AJ, Cutler TW -
Incorporating Health Information Technology and Pharmacy Informatics in a Pharmacy Professional Didactic Curriculum -with a Team-based Learning Approach.
American journal of pharmaceutical education 2016 Hincapie AL, Cutler TW, Fingado AR -
Pharmacy students teaching prescribers strategies to lower prescription drug costs for underserved patients.
Journal of managed care pharmacy : JMCP 2013 Stebbins MR, Frear ME, Cutler TW, Lightwood JM, Fingado AR, Lai CJ, Lipton HL