Allison Tatarsky Berman
GHS - Programs

Allison Tatarsky is the Director of the Malaria Elimination Initiative at the University of California, San Francisco. Allison has 15 years of experience working alongside and in service of ministries of health on malaria elimination strategy, program implementation, and operational research.

During her tenure with the MEI, Allison established the MEI’s vector control and surveillance portfolio of work, including research on innovative vector control tools and entomological surveillance strengthening through technical assistance, capacity building, and decision-tool development. As MEI Director, Allison works to expand partnerships and shape the MEI’s strategy, including the MEI’s approach to targeting and tailoring of malaria control and elimination approaches, supporting subnational-level problem-solving and impact while also working to shape global malaria eradication policy.

Allison is the Co-Chair of the global Malaria Elimination Interest Group and member of the Expert Scientific Advisory Committee for the Innovative Vector Control Consortium.

Prior to joining the MEI, Allison worked with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) in southern Africa on regional and country malaria elimination efforts, and also in Boston where she coordinated CHAI’s HIV, TB, and Health Financing efforts across the organization. In these earlier roles, Allison led various projects including those on mass mosquito net distribution, elimination advocacy, and mobile health for malaria diagnosis and surveillance; and contributed to national malaria elimination strategic plans, national guidelines, and program evaluations.

Allison has degrees in public health and health science from Boston University.

Education & Training

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  • MPH Global Health Boston University 2008
  • BS Health Science Boston University 2007


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  • Malaria vector control and surveillance
  • Malaria elimination
  • Implementation research
  • Equity in global health


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Grants and Projects

  • Equipping countries for evidence-based malaria intervention strategies, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2021-2024
  • Strengthening domestic financing and preparedness for donor transitions in the Asia Pacific, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2021-2023
  • Project BITE (Bite Interruption Toward Elimination), Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Innovative Vector Control Consortium, 2020-2023
  • Achieving Global Malaria Eradication through Accelerated Regional Elimination, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2016-2022

Publications (15)

Top publication keywords:
Disease EradicationTransients and MigrantsNational Health ProgramsAnophelesHistory, 20th CenturyMosquito VectorsCase ManagementInsecticide ResistanceHistory, 21st CenturyKnowledgeRwandaMosquito ControlInsecticide-Treated BednetsMalariaInsecticides