Allan Basbaum, PhD
School of Medicine 415-502-1399

Following upon our extensive earlier studies of the CNS circuits through which opioids exert their analgesic effects, our laboratory now examines the mechanisms through which tissue and nerve injury produce changes in the peripheral and central nervous system that result in persistent pain. In parallel studies we examine the circuits through which pruritogens generate itch.

The hallmark of our work is a multidisciplinary approach to the problem, using molecular, neuroanatomical, pharmacological and behavioral analyses in wild type and genetically-modified mice, including knockouts and Cre- or reporter-expressing mice generated in our laboratory. By combining these studies with an analysis of the functional properties of molecularly-defined neurons, these studies examine the extent to which pain and itch circuits segregate or converge at the level of spinal cord interneurons and projection neurons. Also of great interest are the mechanisms through which monocytes, including peripheral macrophages and spinal cord microglia, contribute to the persistent pain following nerve injury. With a view to overcoming the neurological consequences of peripheral nerve damage, we also studied the effects of transplanting embryonic cortical GABAergic precursor cells into the spinal cord. We have demonstrated that the cells integrate synaptically and functionally into host neural circuits and can ameliorate the persistent pain and itch associated with nerve damage, effectively treating what we consider to be the "disease" of neuropathic pain. And recently using long-term calcium imaging of spinal cord and cortical neurons in awake, behaving mice we are examining the brain and spinal cord circuits and mechanisms through which pain and itch percepts are generated as well as the mechanisms through which different general anesthetics exert their analgesic action. Below are several comprehensive reviews that we have published on the topics described above.


  • Reeve-Irvine Prize, University California, Irvine, 2917
  • Elected Fellow, American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2023
  • HEAL Multidisciplinary Working Group, NIH, 2019-2021
  • NINDS Council, NIH, 2019-2021
  • Elected member, National Academy Sciences, 2019
  • Thomas Willis Lecture, Oxford University, UK, 2017
  • NIH Director's Lecture, National Institutes of Health, 2016
  • Co-Chair, Intergovermental Pain Research Coordinating Committee, NIH, 2015-2018
  • Strategic Planning Committee, NCCIH, 2014-2021
  • Grossman Award, Society Neurological Surgeons, 2014
  • Founder's Award, American Academy Pain Medicine, 2013
  • Faculty Lecturer, UCSF, 2012
  • Fellow, American Assoc Advancement Science, 2010
  • Joseph Erlanger Lecture, American Physiological Society, 2010
  • Elected Fellow, American Association Anatomists, 2009
  • Jacob Javits Investigator, NIH, 2007-2014
  • Recognition and Alleviation of Pain in Lab Animals (ILAR), National Academy Medicine, 2007-2010
  • Elected Fellow, British Academy Medical Sciences, 2007
  • Yngve Zotterman Prize, Swedish Physiological Society, 2007
  • Elected Fellow, Royal Society (United Kingdom), 2006
  • Elected Member, National Academy Medicine, 2005
  • Editor-in-Chief, Pain, International Association for the Study of Pain, 2003-2013
  • Fellow, American Academy Arts and Sciences, 2003
  • John J. Bonica Prize, International Association for Study of Pain, 2002
  • Director's Lecture, NIH, 1998
  • Public Lecturer, Society for Neuroscience, 1997
  • Prize for Distinguished Pain Research, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, 1994
  • F.W. Kerr Memorial Prize, American Pain Society, 1993
  • Jacob Javits Investigator, NIH, 1992-1999
  • Medical School Teaching Awards, UCSF, 1987-2002
  • Public Lecture, Society for Neuroscience, 1986
  • Jacob Javits Investigator, NIH, 1985-1992
  • Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1979
  • Career Development Award, NIH, 1978

Education & Training

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  • Postdoc Neuroscience University California San Francisco 1977
  • Postdoc Neuroscience University College London 1975
  • PhD Neuroscience University Pennsylvania 1972
  • BSc Physiological psychology McGill University 1968


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Grants and Projects

Publications (337)

Top publication keywords:
Spinal CordInterneuronsNeurons, AfferentTRPV Cation ChannelsPruritusSubstance PMedulla OblongataGanglia, SpinalNociceptorsHyperalgesiaMorphineProto-Oncogene Proteins c-fosPosterior Horn CellsNeuralgiaPain