Adam Pampori, MD
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine
Education & Training
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- Internal Medicine Residency Case Western Reserve University 06/2020
- MD Medicine University of Maryland 05/2017
- BS Bioengineering University of Maryland 06/2011
Publications (11)
Top publication keywords:
Renal Insufficiency, ChronicAortic Valve StenosisTranscatheter Aortic Valve ReplacementBrain Injuries, TraumaticExtracorporeal Membrane OxygenationCardiac Surgical ProceduresForamen MagnumGlyburideBalloon ValvuloplastyHeart-Assist DevicesHeart Valve Prosthesis ImplantationAcute Kidney InjuryBlast InjuriesHeart Valve ProsthesisMitral Valve
Use of Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in Contemporary Era.
The American journal of cardiology 2023 Shekhar S, Kaw R, Agrawal A, Pampori A, Isogai T, Lak H, Mahalwar G, Krishnaswamy A, Puri R, Reed G, Yun J, Kapadia SR -
Outcomes of obesity in cardiogenic shock patients requiring mechanical circulatory support.
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions 2023 Shekhar S, Kaw R, Agrawal A, Isogai T, Lak H, Mahalwar G, Pampori A, Reed G, Menon V, Kapadia SR -
Implications of Renal Disease in Patients Undergoing Structural Interventions.
Interventional cardiology clinics 2023 Pampori A, Shekhar S, Kapadia SR -
Outcomes After Isolated Aortic Valve Replacements in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
The American journal of cardiology 2023 Shekhar S, Kaw R, Ramu SK, Pampori A, Isogai T, Krishnaswamy A, Puri R, Reed G, Harb SC, Yun J, Kapadia SR -
Mortality in Adult Congenital Heart Disease: Analysis of Outcomes and Risk Stratification.
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 2022 Shekhar S, Agrawal A, Pampori A, Lak H, Windsor J, Ramakrishna H
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Selective Vulnerability of the Foramen Magnum in a Rat Blast Traumatic Brain Injury Model.
Journal of neurotrauma 2018 Hayman E, Keledjian K, Stokum JA, Pampori A, Gerzanich V, Simard JM -
Glibenclamide pretreatment protects against chronic memory dysfunction and glial activation in rat cranial blast traumatic brain injury.
Behavioural brain research 2017 Stokum JA, Keledjian K, Hayman E, Karimy JK, Pampori A, Imran Z, Woo SK, Gerzanich V, Simard JM -
Changes in Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in a Direct Cranial Blast Traumatic Brain Injury (dc-bTBI) Model.
PloS one 2015 Zhuo J, Keledjian K, Xu S, Pampori A, Gerzanich V, Simard JM, Gullapalli RP -
Exposure of the thorax to a sublethal blast wave causes a hydrodynamic pulse that leads to perivenular inflammation in the brain.
Journal of neurotrauma 2014 Simard JM, Pampori A, Keledjian K, Tosun C, Schwartzbauer G, Ivanova S, Gerzanich V -
Glibenclamide for the treatment of acute CNS injury.
Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 2013 Kurland DB, Tosun C, Pampori A, Karimy JK, Caffes NM, Gerzanich V, Simard JM -
Study of flow-induced hemolysis using novel Couette-type blood-shearing devices.
Artificial organs 2011 Zhang T, Taskin ME, Fang HB, Pampori A, Jarvik R, Griffith BP, Wu ZJ